RFP: Timber Harvesting Equipment Transportation Efficiency Study
Issue Date: June 15, 2021
Closing Date: July 2, 2021

Purpose of the RFP
Existing regulations currently prohibit the movement of oversized timber harvesting equipment and oversized low-beds at night in most of the state. The FOR/Maine Transportation Committee is seeking proposals for a study to be completed that will consider the feasibility of expanding the current March/April exemption for the movement of timber harvesting equipment to 24 hours a day as well as the Aroostook County exemption for movement of oversized empty low beds between November 1st and May 1st, into other parts of the state. FOR/Maine’s Transportation Committee is interested in studying the possible expansion of these exemptions to support improved efficiency, profitability, and sustainability of Maine’s forest products economy.
Project Scope
FOR/Maine is seeking a consultant to study and report on the possibility of a statewide expansion of 1) the March/April allowance for the movement of timber harvesting equipment 24 hours a day to year-round on non-posted roads; and 2) the Aroostook County pilot program which allows for night moves for unladen over-width low-bed equipment trailers on state highways between November 1st and May 1st.