RFP: Client Management for Investment Attraction
NOTICE of REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Client Management for Investment Attraction
ORGANIZATION: Forest Opportunity Roadmap/Maine (FOR/Maine), Maine Forest Products Council
SUMMARY: The FOR/Maine Market Attraction Committee is looking for a contracted vendor or organization that can support the Client Management System established by the FOR/Maine project. The client management system is managed by a subset of FOR/Maine and includes representatives from the Maine Forest Products Council, Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, and the University of Maine along with the selected vendor.
The Committee is seeking proposals from an economic development business that can staff and serve a project moving from a trial phase to an implementation and execution effort for one or two years. This effort is envisioned to require full-time equivalent support.
FOR/Maine is a broad coalition of forest industry leaders, the Maine Department of Economic & Community Development, the University of Maine, Maine communities, trade associations, and economic development organizations working together to implement the Forestry Opportunity Roadmap, a shared long-term vision of growth and innovation for the sector. The University of Maine, with co-applicants Maine Forest Products Council (MFPC) and Maine Technology Institute, has been awarded a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration for the completion of the project.
This request for proposals represents the requirements for an open and competitive process under federal guidelines for procurement by the competitive proposal. In competitive proposal procurement, the proposal that is most advantageous to the program is selected, considering both price and other factors.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit proposals by 11:59 pm (ET) on January 7, 2022. All questions regarding the RFP should be submitted no later than December 31, 2021.
CONTACT: Questions and completed proposals are to be submitted to Bri Bowman, Program Director FOR/Maine at bbowman@mdf.org.